
NY Art


“Nikki Young is an Australian multimedia artist. Number 11 of 12 children Nikki was born into an large and very creative family (both parents artists) and has enjoyed a multifaceted career path. Now a mother to 6 children and a qualified child educator, Nikki is also a singer-songwriter, photographer and visual artist.

In 2020 like for so many, the world changed for Nikki and she found herself homeschooling her children and trying to find new ways to make a living, ways that didn’t depend on face-to-face contact.

Nikki said, “I’d gone from working regularly as a casual child educator and portrait photographer to suddenly being completely out of work and looking for creative outlets. “We are avid campers and so not getting out in nature was a big challenge. We really came to understand the rejuvenating effects of immersing ourselves in nature”.

The lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 gave Nikki the opportunity to develop and hone her creative skills, resulting in wonderful art pieces expressing her sheer love of nature and the vibrance of the outdoors. Nikki said, “I saw and heard so much negativity in the news and social media during this time and What I really wanted and needed was to surround myself in uplifting imagery. That’s when I started creating and printing my artworks. “
Nikki’s main objective in her artwork is to bombard the viewer with positive energy as she sees it.

Nikki said “Sometimes I think that mother Earth really is taken for granted when in actual fact she is the very essence of our being. Her energy, vibrance and beauty surrounds us, and in my work I hope to let people see and experience her energy the way that I do.
My artwork is intended to bring a sense of joy, calm, warmth, peace and rejuvenation, encouraging the viewer to see the simple beauty in our world.”

The underlying theme in Nikkis art is that of natures energy and beauty.

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Nikki Young Art

Nikki Young Art